
Trencianska 53
821 09  Bratislava

Office Address

+421 222 111 321

Technical Support

+421 222 111 322

Invoicing Department

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Invoicing Details

Platon Technologies, s.r.o.
Hlavna 3
927 01  Sala
Slovak Republic

Org. ID: 36 279 129
Tax ID: 2022119572
VAT ID: SK2022119572

Bank Connection
Czechoslovak Business Bank
IBAN: SK68 7500 0000 0040 0318 3875

The company is a VAT payer in Slovakia.
The company is registered in the Commercial Register of District Court Trnava, section Sro, insert number 17979 / T. Supervision is carried out by the SOI Inspectorate for the Nitriansky Region, PO BOX 49A, Staničná 9, 950 50 Nitra 1.

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How can we help you?

We accept reports of problems or other inducements related to the use of our products and services. +421 222 111 321

In case you need any help, contact us by e-mail or by phone.

  • On the phone from 8:30 - 17:30
  • Sometimes even on weekends
  • Simple human approach
  • Complex problems solving
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  • 6 categories
  • 58 manuals
  • 23 e-mail settings
  • 6 programming tips
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