MX Backup

Do not lose even one e-mail
Increase the security of your emails with our MX backup servers and you will not lose any email

Backup mailserver (also called MX backup) is an add-on service of Platon Technologies, s.r.o. The service allows delivery of emails even when your primary mailserver is overloaded or temporarily unavailable.

When your mailserver becomes unavailable, the backup mailserver receives all the messages and stores them on the backed up storage.

As soon as your mailserver becomes available again, our backup mailserver will send all your stored messages to your server. Bacause of this, you will not lose any message. An advantage is also that senders will not be unnecessarily disturbed by notifications of technical issues of your mail server.

  • MX backup
  • High-available service
  • Backing up received messages to secure storage
  • For free in hosting

0,00 € / MONTH

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